Chapter 21
After Mr. Plague gave me a lead on where Sebastian was, I immediately had him transport me to his general area. Just my luck, it happens to be in some town homes stuck in time. Minutes passed by of me frantically scouting this neighborhood before I ran into someone that wasn’t him. A pretty young girl in a night gown with blood and scratches covering all over her feet, leaving behind a trail of footprints and twigs that seemed to stretch a good while behind her. Her heavy breathing can prove that initial observation or it shows she’s incredibly scared, most likely both. I had a ton of question to ask her, but I need her to calm down first.
“Hey, chill the fuck out!” I know I came off as a cunt just now, but getting coherent info out of anyone hysterical is more difficult than you think. “What’s your name? Are you hurt?”
“I-um…my name is Ma-Maria Mascorro…please…don’t hurt me…”
“It’s okay, I’m not out to get you. Stay with me, and you might get out of this in one piece. Now, have you seen anyone else around here? Preferably a semi-tall redhead guy with a big fro?” Her eyes began shifting. She looked in every direction but the one place I needed her too, my eyes. First case example of how to decipher body language. She’s clearly seen Sebastian at some point, but probably holds a good amount of guilt as well. I asked again but more sternly. “Did you see him?”
“Yes…I did, but I got scared. There was this crazy psycho following us and, he tried to stop him…”
“Wait, what…where is he? Did you leave him? Did he take him down?”
“Uh…I don’t know. He just appeared out of nowhere. They started fighting and I…I couldn’t....”
“You couldn’t what…?”
“Help…I couldn’t do anything to help. I just ran…I left him. I don’t know if he’s alive or not...I’m sor-.”
I didn’t even let her speak any longer once I heard what she said. My legs could only move forward, my eyes locked on to the trail of blood she left behind, knowing it could pinpoint me to wherever he is, or maybe it could lead me to the killer if he’s following the trail too. I thought of bringing her with me, but I remembered if she’s willing to leave Sebastian behind, I could do the same to her. Karma is a bitch sometimes, and I embody that very well.
I cut the corner of the houses effortlessly while she called out to me. Her voice became more distant and muffled. I couldn’t tell if it was out of me covering a lot of ground in mere seconds or me just not giving a fuck about her anymore, but either way, I’m locked in to finding Sebastian. We’ve been through too much bullshit to have it all end like this. I’ve saved him before, and I can do it again. There’s no amount of distance that will stop me from getting to him. It was only a few moments until the trail ended in front of a house. The door was wide open, and the streetlights illuminated the inside of the doorway. I saw a pool of blood spilling out into the front steps. I followed the trail with my eyes that led to a motionless body lying on the ground. Brain matter, skull fragments and red fiery hair was sprawled all over the floor. My heart sunk as I dropped to my knees. I was too late to save the only person I actually cared about. To see him in such a mutilated state, makes it so much more gut-wrenching. I’ve laughed, fought, argued and exchanged deep conversations with him. For any future moments we would have together, to be put to a halt, is the worst thing to ever experience. Is this what it’s like? To lose someone you loved like your own sibling? I hate this, I want to vomit, scream out my lungs, and kill this psycho…especially Mr. Plague. He’s been the root cause of all of our misery. No…stay focused. I’ll get him later. Right now, I need to get it together. This neighborhood is still vacant and cold, which means he’s still out here. I have to stay on alert. I’ll cry my heart out when this is all done. If only I got here faster Sebastian…I’m so sorry.
I dragged myself up to my feet, wiping away any semblance of tears I had and began walking away from the house. The streetlights began to flicker more furiously the longer I walked. It was a clear sign that he was near. The more I thought about it, I practically came here with no plan. I have nothing to protect myself with. Mr. Plague sent me here knowing that himself. Is he trying to get rid of me too? Shit…no, no…stay on track. I need to get a leg up on this deranged killer. I need to listen for footsteps…footsteps. I hear them coming from behind. I turned around quickly and braced for any kind of attack coming my way, but all I saw was that girl again. I yelled at her again
“Why the fuck are you still here?!”
She stopped to catch her breathe. “I…*pant*…*pant*, didn’t want to be left alone…you might need my help.”
“Is that so? Just how you helped Sebastian?” Bloods boiling again. “Why shouldn’t I just leave you and have you get your head bashed in? You’re a real cowardly little shit ya’ know!” Fuck, the more I look at her, the more I want to kill her myself. Why did she have to come back here? “Look…just…stay out of my way. You’ll probably cause more of a headache for me anyways.” Damn it, I just need to find a way out of here.
The lights began to flicker again, but for an instant it was out for a solid two seconds. When they came back, he stood there in front of me. Arms were stretched behind his head with the silver metallic bat in perfect positioning to reach my own. Death never came this quick to me before, but strangely enough, my body reacted without me having to do any kind of processing of my next move. I ducked his swing, and decided to punch him in the stomach. I was really aiming for his balls, but I’m not too keen on accuracy at this moment. The blow I did, had little effect on him of course. He stammered, but as I jumped back, I knew I had nothing to combat this man with…just my fist and ingenuity. Neither of which are worth shit right now. I continued to back up, but my steady back tracking was halted when I bumped into something…someone.
“My dear, I see now ya’ need a good ol’ helpin’ hand.” I know that thick southern accent anywhere. The Interrogator is here, but why. “Now lil’ Missy, may you step aside while I take care of this here ol’ troublemaker?” I did exactly as he said. His calming demeanor as he walked forward somehow put me at ease, but it quickly went away as his gigantic bodyguard Syboo put both his hands on my shoulders. I thought about Donovan when he had is arm broken.
He approached slowly while raising his cane and unsheathed a highly intricate engraved blade hiding within. This seems to intrigue the psycho killer as he tilted his head like a dog. The Interrogator took a fencing stance with one hand behind his back. They both inched forward and sprung towards one another. It was all happening so fast. The metal reflected the lights at certain angles as they took swings at one another. The Interrogator effortless pranced and dodged each blow coming for him. It was also difficult to make out at first, but specks of blood flung in the air as their weapons made contact. The sheer force of power behind the bat was being outmaneuvered and countered by effortless technique. The interrogator looked to be overwhelmed at first glance as he kept backing up, seeing as though his hat was also smacked off his head, but it was all under his control. He’s controlling the pace by baiting him into opening up with his over-committing swings and would deliver severe cuts in those small windows of opportunity. The fight dragged on into the street, with a trail of blood following them, and it was obvious whose it was. The interrogator leaped back with a confident smile. The killer stood trembling with a smile also. He has not once shown any signs of pain on his face, but his movements were slowing down. One’s white uniform became a de-saturated red, while the other’s remained spotless. The battle was over at this point. The serial killer lunged forward with his all strength to deliver his possible final blow, but it was intercepted by a swift and silent cut around the neck. His head flew one direction, while his body slumped towards the other. There was a moment of silence as he walked back to his cane and sheathed his sword. He picked up his hat and dusted it off with intense care. While putting it back on, her turns to me. “Now…don’t think the debts been payed now.” He said. “I still need’a new servant.”