Chapter 18


Here we are again, back in this cabin of misery. I always found it oddly strange at how Mr. Plague decorated it. There were a lot of miscellaneous objects hung up on the walls. It ranged from a warthog mantle, mirrors that were every shape but square, jars of what I assume are filled with crocodile eyes, and plentiful knives…an uncomfortable amount actually. I looked to see where Donovan laid, but couldn’t find him. Normally he would grunt or breathe heavily, but the room was silent. Normally Braxton would talk up a storm in this situation but he also remained quiet. Wait…no, he isn’t there anymore. What did he do with him?

“You look rather tense Samantha.” I heard his gloomy voice from behind. His presence is definitely one that can’t be hidden. You can never tell what his motives are, let alone what his next move is. “Have no fear. I have heavily sedated Donovan. He is right behind me on the stretcher.”

I slowly stood up and walked past Mr. Plague, giving him no eye contact. I approached Donovan to see for myself how he was. Just seeing him in a deep sleep reminded me of myself when I was first caught in all of this shit…and my situation only got worse. “What’re your intentions with him…?” I muttered.

“Come again?”

“Your intentions. He’s blatantly retaliated at you on multiple occasions and you just keep giving him passes. I’ve seen enough people do that too you and you were quick to get rid of them in a heartbeat.”

He stood in silence for a few seconds. “Donovan is a special one. I know his talents far exceed that of Sebastian’s, and the latter has done far worse in terms of defiance towards me. I pondered on his volatility, and my conclusion is now set.”

“Is that why you organized Sebastian’s death?”

“Perceptive as always…Samantha.”

No, I just know bullshit when I see it. He generally has a greater plan at play whenever he makes sneaky moves like this, so watching his every step and way of speaking is crucial. There’s something about Donovan that’s clearly peaked his interest, but I haven’t a clue as to why. My guess is that he wants to use him to get rid of some of his colleagues. It’s a power move he’s done and succeeded at multiple times in the past, but why again? Shit, I’m getting that feeling again.

“Oh Samantha,” He breaks my focus. “You are free now.”


“You are free.”

“Yeah, free from what exactly?”

“The mirror. You no longer need to be behind it.”

“…Are you fucking with me?”

“Oh, I would do no such thing! I have had a change of heart in the past couple of days. I could see the joy Donovan brought to you, and decided your punishment is past due. Would you not be any happier to be out and about with him?” I can’t believe it…just like that, I’m out. I can finally go outside in the real world. Wait, no…how long have I been back there? A couple years, a couple decades…shit I lost track. Where would I go? Hold on, this has to be some kind of ploy. He has to have ulterior motives behind this. I know damn well he wouldn’t just do things out of the ‘kindness of his heart’, that’s a load of bullshit.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “What’re you planning?”

“Oh, nothing at all dear.” He turns and walks towards a table filled with valves and containers and begins to organize them. He picks up certain glassware and sets them back down with careful ease. If I’m not mistaken, he’s picking out certain remedies to fix him. “In actuality, I have a plethora of unfinished task I must complete. You both provide exceptional skills and I require them for those certain task in the near future.”

I’m skeptical, of course, as to what his tasks are. He hasn’t made me do any kind of heavy work since I had to take care of that pestering cult he accidentally made. “What exactly do you need us for? Aren’t you powerful enough to solve your own problems?”

“Sadly, no. This has gone far beyond my control.”

“…What has?”

He slowly turns his head. “My experiments, they have shown nothing but instability.”

“Experi…-oh I forgot that’s what you call us.” For all of my time stuck with this sociopath, I could never get over that. Anyone who had their life tied with him, he would just label them subjects or experiments. That would be a normal outcome for anybody to disassociate themselves from their counterparts to avoid guilt, but he isn’t just anybody. “If I could recall, Malcolm mentioned someone trying to kill him at his own place recently. You must’ve had something to do with that.”

“Not directly. This…person has a hit out on all of my subordinates. I am not too sure if they are doing it to get closer to me.”

“If it’s to grab your attention, then they’re doing a good job so far. What exactly did you want us to do? How are we supposed to find this person?”

“Oh, they will find you. It seems they have a keen sense on where everyone is, and will appear whenever and wherever you are.”

“Oh great, that sounds like a fun time-…wait, the only reason I could avoid this person was because I was stuck behind that mirror. Do they know where I am, now that I’m out?!”

“Most certainly.”

I knew it. There’s nothing he’ll do for you without having some kind of exception. But if this person is trying to get close to him, he would’ve just appeared in this cabin long ago and got the job done, but if that’s the case, then they can’t do it. It’s pretty ironic how this cabin became a safe haven, but I would still try my luck outside in the real world. I need to find Sebastian and ask him for help, or better yet, make sure he hasn’t been killed yet. I actually admire his level of optimism in the face of all of this shit, and his ability to dodge death on multiple occasions. He reminds me of Ricky in some ways.

My attention broke when I heard the sputter of wheels grinding against the ground. I hadn’t realized Mr. Plague was pushing Donovan in his experimentation room. The door to it only opens for him, and anytime I get a good look into it, all I could see was pitch black darkness. It’s very fitting really.

“I must work now Samantha.” He said. “I’m sure you will do well in finding the culprit.” They both slowly became engulfed in darkness as they go in, and the door made a horrendously loud noise when it shut. I want to know what the hell he does in there, but I can’t focus on that now.

“I need to find Sebastian. Can you send me to him?” Even though the door is closed, I could still talk to him. I never quite understood how, but I assume it’s some form of telepathy. This cabin is full of weird shit.

“I can send you near him.” He responded in a loud haunting echo. “Do me wary of your travels. Hopefully you can catch Sebastian before he meets an untimely demise.”

That was an oddly strange choice of words, until I realized why he said it. Donovan, Malcolm and I were at the party just now…and Sebastian was all alone. Shit, I should’ve noticed by now…but I think I can still reach him. My vision began to fade as my body de-materialized. I know I can save him…I think I can…I hope I can see him one more time.


Chapter 17


Chapter 19