Chapter 19
I haven’t heard from Donovan in a couple days now. With him being on his own without any kind of proper guidance really worries me. Mr. Plague shows way too much interest in him and I know that puts my own life in jeopardy. I have a nagging feeling he’s been trying to get rid of me for some time, seeing as though he has a better worker under his belt now. I didn’t mean to get Donovan under all of this, I honestly didn’t, but if I hadn’t my little sister would’ve been killed alongside my mom and pop. I can’t remember how I got into this mess anymore; it’s all just a blur now. No, stay focus. I just got a huge clue from Dayna on this serial killer now. Apparently he likes to come out at night and wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims. I can’t begin to understand how someone can come to fruition after such experimentations. I’ve dealt with many unusual paranormal things, but this one genuinely scares me. Well, I think about that, and remember Mr. Plague has a hand in all of this. His level of influence spreads farther than I can comprehend.
I turn down my radio to get a better hearing of any suspicious noises from outside. I’ve been sitting in this car for about two and a half hours now, and my legs are starting to cramp. Waiting out at night in this suburban neighborhood makes me look more like a criminal than an actual detective. I decided to turn the car off and step out to stretch for a bit. The street lights above the cracked sidewalks are the only luminescence I can use tonight. It’s so dark I could barely tell what’s ahead of me. It’s also extremely quiet. Normally you could hear various noises at night, but it was dead silent. That was the most troubling thing right now. I should’ve waited for Donovan on this one, but the longer we take on capturing this guy, the more innocent people will die. I can’t have that on my conscience. I’ve done enough wrong doings already.
I began to walk down the neighborhood and I couldn’t take ten steps before I could hear “…you’re going to die…” from behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention when I heard that faint sentence. Could it be him? No, it couldn’t be. I would’ve taken a blow to the back of the head instead. There’s no room for dialogue and formal greetings at this time. I’m not sure, but I have every right to be scared for my life now. I turned and didn’t see anyone at first, until I glanced down and noticed a young boy on a tricycle. He looks to be about five or six years old, and he sported an everyday look most young boys seem to wear, along with a backwards baseball cap.
“Hey kid,” I said worryingly. “You should go home. You shouldn’t be out here this late at night, where are your parents anyways?” He just sat there and looked at me with a blank expression. Just then I heard a metallic cling behind me. It was distant enough not to warrant an immediate evasive move, but enough for me to turn around ridiculously fast. I didn’t see anything, and that just made me even more paranoid. I’ve gotten word that this guy can disappear and reappear on his own merit, and he only stays for a brief moment, but in that small time frame, he can cause a tremendous amount of damage. I wonder if Malcolm’s apartment got fixed up yet or if he just left that place all together.
After a brief moment of staring ahead into the street lights and not seeing anyone, I turned to shoo the kid back home safely, except he wasn’t there anymore. I didn’t hear a single creak of his wheels or even the faintest grunt of him hauling off. He just vanished without a trace. From this point on, I realized he could’ve just been some deranged spirit toying with me. Anything could go at this point, but I need to stay vigilant. I heard the clank noise again, except it came in a beat of two. He’s obviously toying with me now. I turned towards the sound again and drew my pistol from my left side. From an outsider looking in, I must look like a psychopath standing out here talking to myself, but I’m doing a good deed. Well, it’s possibly my last one too. Wait, I seem him. The bleach white clothing reflected the looming lights on the sidewalks. His walk was casual, but determined. For someone with such an outrageous choice of fashion, he delivered a captivating murderous intent that could beat out any serial killer. I wish this was one of them, at least at that point I know they’re human and can be dealt with as such, but this is something on a whole new level. I don’t know if I can kill this person, let alone damage.
I aimed my gun forward, but my nerves are giving my line of sight a run for its money. He walked closer and closer with a menacing smile. His hat shrouded an ominous shadow over his eyes, and his struts became a steady walk. I want to shoot, but I’m sure I’ll wake the entire neighborhood from that alone. I took cautious steps backwards, with him still in my line of sight. For every step he took, he banged the edge of his metal bat on the ground. Each time it grew louder and louder, to a point where you would think it would get everyone out of their bed out of curiosity, but it didn’t. I took that opportunity to fire and I stunned him for a solid three seconds. The blood stain grew quickly on his left rib cage, and I could visually see him shaking. He raised his head up towards me, and I could see his face more clearly than before. His eyes were shut, while maintaining the grin, but they began to open slowly. I don’t know what it is about that small detail, but I have a feeling I just made my situation a lot worse.