Chapter 03


It felt like eternity in there. The arctic breeze from a somehow nonexistent air conditioner brushed over me once I was wheeled back in the main room. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference from before and after the surgery. That’s a word I’d say loosely because I blacked out the moment this guy started his operation. He could’ve done the most despicable things to me while I was knocked out, yet I don’t feel a thing. Granted, this is a much better feeling than the extreme pain that dwelled in my stomach but that’s what bothers me. I feel completely normal again after being in what I assume to just be a couple hours in that room.

I leaned up from the stretcher and dangled my feet towards the floor with my head held low. I couldn’t make up what just happened but anyone that might walk through that front door to see us would assume I just got the news from a doctor that I only got so long to live. From my stand point, that might as well be just the case. I needed answers. I needed clarity.

“What the hell did you do to me in there?” I said glaringly.

He tilts his head as if he was shocked I didn’t know. “Well now, I cured you. Your pancreatic cancer is no longer.”

“…Just like that? One, two, three and poof it’s gone? You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I signed some vague looking contract from you.”

“Are you still in pain?”

“…No. No I’m not.” I didn’t want to admit it, but whatever he did helped me. It’ll be shameful to look at him in those black holes for eyes and give him recognition for whatever fucked up stuff he casually does in his daily routine. I can’t give him that. I need to recollect myself.

“You got a bathroom around here?”

I noticed his slight hesitation before answering. “Yes. It is the door next to the operation room. Are you sure you are feeling well?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just need to think.” That was a clear lie that he most likely caught on to. At this moment I’m far from fine and I needed as much time and solitude to recollect myself. I’ve put myself in some intense situations before but this one…this is the most frightened I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Don’t worry man. It gets better over time.”

This voice was new. It wasn’t the ominous chilling voice of the psychopathic doctor, nor could it be the voice of his assistant. As far as I can tell she hasn’t uttered a single word yet and this was a voice of a middle aged man. I, confusingly of course, scanned the room for any other person I hadn’t taken notice to yet. Then it all clicked to me. My head quickly turned and focused on the wall that I glanced at before I was rolled into the other room and remembered the oddly placed man on the wall. He was staring back at me with an oblivious grin as if he was having the pretty good day. That was more unsettling than his top half being glued to the wall.

“What the fuck…” A logical response.

“Yeah that’s the general reaction I get, hahaha.”

Plague intervened. “Oh, I have forgotten to introduce you to Mr. Hall. He is a cheerful fellow.”

“That’s a trait I can proudly carry! Oh, and you can just call me Braxton.”

Everything is coming at me all at once again. I don’t even know what to make of this guy, let alone understand why the hell he is hanging on the side of the wall. I feel noxious. It suddenly overflowed in me and helps rush my ass into the bathroom. I quickly open and shut the door behind me with my back leaning on it while also putting no thought of how hard I actually slammed it. You could assume I broke the damn hinges, but I digress. This is my only moment of solitude as of now. I only need just a few moments to collect myself but that seems to be the last thing I will get now after all that had just happened. I looked up to view the new area and scanned the possible horrors I’ve spontaneously run into. But suddenly felt relieved. The room was a basic rectangular structure with slightly saturated indigo painted walls and a long off-white porcelain counter that holstered a clean chrome-like faucet that shined off the single bright light from above. This all complemented the giant stainless mirror that only showed a pitch black backdrop in the reflection. I looked through it for a moment to catch myself, only to see a young woman emerge while staring deeply back at me from the darkness itself.

“Hey.” It was the only thing she said and frankly, it didn’t scare the shit out of me like you would think. I felt oddly comfortable actually. Whoever this girl is, she must have a magic touch or something because she put my ready-to-burst-out-of-my-chest heart back to a sedated state.


“Yeah, you’re nervous. I can tell.”

“No. Well, I was.”

“You still are. What are the odds of ending up in the state that you’re in right now?”

Damn, she sees right through me. “What is going on in this cabin? How the hell can I get out of here without losing my life in the process? Why are you behind this mirror? How are you behind this mirror?!”

Her response wasn’t something I expected, but I guess that’s a norm now. “Well, for one, my name is Sam. Thanks for asking. Second, I don’t know all the weird shit this cabin is made up of. All I know is that weird shit happens in here. Third, your life is already tied to Mr. Plague once you signed that piece of paper. A subordinate dying under his control isn’t necessarily new around here. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re already screwed.”

“I’m not his fucking subordinate. I will get out of here.”

“Everyone says that. They’re dead now.” No matter how much of a front I try to put on, I completely believe everything she says. This whole fucked up situation I’m in is beyond my compression and control.

“Also…I’m behind this mirror because he put me here. I signed that contract just like you and I’m suffering for it too. Don’t feel too special.” She adds.

“You don’t understand. I need to get out of here.”

“You’re talking to a girl trapped behind a restroom mirror for all her life. I think I understand that feeling dude.”

“I-...I’m sorry.” You never really feel more like a piece of shit when you remember most people on this earth have it worse than you. Sure, you could argue everyone’s problems are still problems and won’t just magically go away but that doesn’t negate the fact that you could still sound like a whiny bitch while the person next to you is suffering tremendously more. This is one of those moments. “Listen. I know I should’ve counted my blessings before opening my dumb mouth, but if I have any option of getting out of here I’m trying to utilize that opportunity as soon as possible.”

“…Yeah. I understand. I’d do the same too.” Wow, she’s very understanding. “But it’s pointless to try and get out. He’ll send you away whenever he wants to.”


“Explaining all of this isn’t really my job. You just need to go out there and speak to him yourself. He’ll tell you everything. Well…mostly everything I guess.”

That was the last thing I wanted to do. To go back out there and stare into that vacant black-void like goggles might stir up a whole heap of emotions in me again. Theoretically, this would be the moment for anyone to say no and cower but something within compelled me to step back out that door. My anxiety completely diminished after this brief conversation, and I have this girl trapped beyond this mirror to thank for that.

I turned and realized that the inside restroom door appearance was oddly extravagant. The outside was wooden and looked slightly withered, but the inside was something you would see in a castle dining room chair; Plump, red and golden leather. Although, I don’t have time to admire this oddly placed fancy door. I needed to confront him and get some immediate answers.

I strutted my way towards the door, but stopped as soon as my hand touched the equally fancy golden handle. It wasn’t out of fear this time, or pain. It was my curiosity for the girl.

“It was Sam right? I’m Donovan.” I was always bad at introductions.

“I know.”

“Yeah…I’ll find out why later, but I wanted to ask you something.”


“How long have you been behind that mirror?”

“I don’t remember.”

“You don't remember? Hmm. Well, thanks for everything anyways.” I turned back around to exit. While opening the surprisingly heavy door I could only think about the amount of spiraling emotions she’s going through. To be alone behind that seemingly empty and dark area she resides in just terrifies me. To also lose track of time will only add to the stress and loneliness too. I feel bad for her, but there’s nothing I could possibly do. I just need to focus on taking care of my own ass right now. As selfish as that may sounds, I really don’t care at this point anymore. I'm getting out of here.




Chapter 02


Chapter 04