Chapter 08
“So…How’ve you been?” That’s a more loaded question than what some people might think. You could give them the ‘Oh, I’ve been good’ version, or you could give them the ‘honestly…everything is going to shit’ version, although most people don’t have time for that. My sister is definitely not in that majority. She pretty good at prying information out of me and she can definitely tell by my face that I’m going through some shit right now. People like her are what everyone needs in their life. Someone to tear your walls down and listen to the trauma you’re so hell-bent on not saying to anyone. She’s a rarity. I set my cup of espresso down, and looked outside the giant window wall to see the busy streets. The sun rays were hitting my eyes something fierce and I could barely make up most of what was going on out there.
“Uhh…I’ve been better.” An obvious bullshit answer to warrant another question.
“So you’re not good? Come on Don, I haven’t seen you in months. We need to catch up. You’ve been more quiet than usual this time around.”
“Yeah…something happen?”
“Yeah a lot.” How am I supposed to tell her my life is tied to some fucked up doctor in a cabin in the woods. With half a man hanging on his wall, a girl stuck behind a mirror forever, and a talking gnome guarding his front door. I lowered my head. “Everything is just so messed up for me right now. I’m certain you won’t believe me even if I told you. ”
“It’d be nice if you cared to elaborate more.”
“Okay…fine. It started like every night at work. I was sitting at my desk and-.” Silence; everything around me went completely silent. The coffee machine, the sounds of coffee mugs hitting the tables, cars, birds, and remedial conversations from the other customers all became devoid of any sound. I looked back up to her with confusion; she returned the same feeling towards me. She couldn’t understand why I stopped talking, but I couldn’t understand why she couldn’t notice the shift in atmosphere around us. I looked outside of the window once more, and everyone stared back at me. Children, taxi drivers, and people from other restaurants stood lifeless towards us with eyes never blinking.
“D-do you see this…?”
“See what? The people outside? Yeah what about them, what’s wrong? ”
“They’re just standing there, staring at us! You don’t seem them?”
“Don, calm down. No one is staring at us. Everyone is just walking by, minding their business. What’s gotten in to you?”
Is this really happening? Can she really not see all these looming eyes peering at us right now? I'm fucking losing it; I must be going insane., this has to be his work. Nothing this absurd could happen without him playing a card in it. I’ve been trying to gauge how much he can really do from that dusty cabin of his, but that alone is clearly out of my jurisdiction of understanding. Sitting idly and wondering what is coming next is really driving me insane; although, that’s something most of us do anyways. Except in my case, it’s ten times worst. I can’t be shaken up now. If I do, I wouldn’t last much longer. I need to remember what Sebastian told me. Even if that bastard was the one to put me in all this.
“Nothing...nothing is wrong with me. I’m just a little stressed out.” Right as I finished that sentence, everything outside the window resumed to whatever it is they were doing. It’s was obvious at this point, I’m being watched. “I’ll be fine.”
She sighs. “Okay, if you don’t want to talk about it now that’s fine. Just let me know whenever you’re ready. You know I'm here for you.”
"I got it…I appreciate you." I need to shift the topic now. Anything to avoid whatever the hell just happened outside. "So, how’re the kids?"
“Bad. They’ve been acting up way too much in school. I damn near have to whoop them every day. Now I see why mom got onto you and Riley so much. Both of y’all resemble them so much.”
“We weren’t that bad…well, I wasn’t.”
“Nooo, you had your fair share of misbehaving too. I think you just figured it all out before Riley could.” She isn’t wrong. Being the oldest sibling can really put a lot of pressure on you. Some come out a good role model; others end up like our brother. “It’s okay though. So, what about you and your love life? Anyone special stubble in yet? You know mama’s been askin'.”
“Well, I am talking to someone…casually though.” I’m not surprised she’s been asking about me. I don’t know what it is about old folks wanting to know if you have a significant other or not, but they really do like to jump on that topic at any chance they get. “I’m not sure if it’s going anywhere. I kinda want to see where its goes between me and her, so I’m taking it slow right now.”
“That’s good! You always had a problem with finding someone and dropping them after a few months or so. What was the last girl’s name? Jessica? She was the needy one, right?”
“No, that was Sabrina. Jessica was the hyper jealous one.”
She stirs her coffee and gives me skeptical look before proceeding. She also isn’t wrong for that either. I can’t seem to hold a relationship without shuttering away at any moment to open up. I’ve, young boys are taught at an early age not to cry. No one really gives it a second thought, but that is one dangerous piece of advice you shouldn’t give. Bottling up emotions for so long will have substantial mental and emotional drawbacks later on in life. A good example would be me. No kids, no wife, no official girlfriend, no tight-knit circle of friends. I’m a prime display to point at as you tell your kids what not to be when they get older. Although I’m not here to dwell on myself and what I never accomplished, I’m here for my sister.
“So what about you?” I asked. “Anybody come into yours?”
She gives a quick playful sigh. “Well actually, yeah. I’ve been going steady also with this guy I met at a jazz lounge. He’s very…different.”
“Different? How so?”
“I don’t know. He just has this certain atmosphere to him. It’s hard to explain, but he’s a pretty cool guy. Hope that doesn’t bother you, mister black knight in shiny armor.”
“Haha, no it doesn’t. You always seem to have a good eye for picking the good guys.”
“Yeah well I messed up once, doesn’t mean I can’t mess up again.”
“Your mistake, gave you two healthy boys. I think that’s a better outcome than what most other women get nowadays.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about those stories! Young girls being found mutilated in all different areas around the city. It’s horrible.”
“Yeah, and I’m on the case to solve it too.”
“Ugh, good luck. I just hope you find whoever is doing it. They need the death sentence.”
If only it were that easy. I can’t seem to find any lead on where to find this deranged person. The blood samples, teeth marks, and shoe prints never point in the right direction. It’s as if he vanishes from the scene in an instant. They may be in correlation with the crazy bat wielding guy breaking into homes as well. They both seem to leave no sort of trace behind them.
“It’s alright.” I take my final sip from the coffee to finish it. “I’ll find whoever is causing these problems around this city and put them to rest myself. I promise you that.”
“Pfft, you sound like a corny super hero or somethin'.”
We both let out a genuinely heart-felt laugh. Moments like these come once every blue moon for me- “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But hey, I’m cool with that!” And you bet I cherish it every time.