Chapter 13
I’ve come to realize there are people in life that are scared of their own damn shadow, and they can’t possibly come to the conclusion that they’re really just afraid of what they really are in some way or another. It’s a terrifying feeling and a horrible situation no one should be stagnant in. Sadly, getting out of this situation is a lot more complicated than it seems. Finding yourself also comes with recognizing your short-comings and most people are too prideful to realize they need improvement. Everyone is so god damn important and faultless. It makes me sick, but it makes me even sicker that I was once there with that same mindset. Over this past month or so, I’ve come to understand that I had more problems than I thought. It’s funny really. Once you start to shine the light on your own problems, everyone else’s troubles become clear as day. The hard part is getting them to look at it, their own shadow that is. Now, I feel as though I’ve met my match in terms of confronting your own short-comings. I’ve been called back to this cabin, and I’ve never been too good at distinguishing advice from threats, but this…person…sure as hell shines a light on that shadow.
“Hello Donovan.” He said while idly sitting in his is chair with his legs crossed, hands rested in his lap. “Have a seat. We have much to talk about.”
I could feel this conversation was bound to happen at any point now. The atmosphere in the room was heavy, and the air was beyond cold. I strutted towards the open chair in front of him and sat down. “What possibly do we have to talk about?”
He tilts his head. “You seem to always have a slight aggression in your tone of voice. Trust me; there is no need to remain on guard with me.”
“Yeah, he’s right!” I forgot Braxton was here. It’s not common to search for someone hanging on the side of the wall every time you show up in a room. Now that I think about it, I don’t see his assistance anywhere. “It’s been a while Don!”
Mr. Plague shifted his head slightly towards him. “It’s time to go to sleep Braxton.” He raised one hand and made an obscenely loud snap, and before I knew it, Braxton’s body became limp. Sebastian stating that he has a lot of power within his cabin was not an exaggeration. He then puts his attention back on me. “How have you been?”
I feel a double meaning behind that question. “I’ve been managing. I think I ran into one of your victims by the way. That was a treat.”
He chuckles. “Victims…Hohoho! You must mean Malcolm Middleton.”
“Y-…’d you know?”
“I called him in sometime before you and we had a lengthy discussion on recent events. You seem to make good acquaintances with him I see.”
“I don’t know if good is accurate. He most certainly has a lot of secrets up his sleeves.”
He shuffles in his chair a bit. I can’t quite get a read on his emotions right now. “I must warn you,” He said. “The territory you and Sebastian are embarking on is rather dangerous.”
“That some kind of threat? Our job is to take care of this city.”
“As mine is to create problems for it.”
“…What the hell are you trying to say?”
An awkward silence filled the room, followed by a sudden intense of pressure. “My occupation is to create famine. I don’t have you under contract to counteract my efforts. I’d like to say for any future actions, to tread lightly. I would highly dislike terminating our agreement so soon.”
“Agreement? You make it sound as if I were so willing to jump in this shit storm from the beginning. Also, I don’t give a damn about your weak-ass threats to me. There are deranged lunatics out there that need to be stopped. You-!”
He cuts me off. “The two lunatics you want so badly are of no use to me anymore. I would actually like to assist you in finding them.”
Now that was a surprise. I could’ve sworn he would do whatever he could to protect them, but just like that, he wants to get rid of them. “You’re willing to help us? That seems rather…nice of you.”
“Oh yes, most of my subjects seem to go rouge after some time of release. After their frantic episodes, they tend to turn towards me in terms of who they want to murder next. I’d quite like to be ahead of them when that time comes honestly.”
Normally, I’d be wary of what his motives are but I could really use this silver lining right now. Although that doesn’t mean I like him now; I probably never will. “So what, after your experiments goes off the rails, you get rid of them when they don’t meet your standards? Sounds a bit cold, don’cha think?”
“You are no different than me Donovan.”
“You think so?”
“I very much do. There is no way you managed to live this long without ending relationships with anyone because they failed to satisfy your needs.”
An unexpected dig, but in the grand scheme of it all, he was right. I sat and thought about everyone I crossed paths with in life. Every woman I gave my time to and then suddenly cut off, my closes friends that indistinctly became distant memories, to even my own estranged family because more separated than before. As a near middle aged man, it’s pretty sad to say my only close relationship I have with anyone is my sister. “Yeah, I guess you have a point…somewhat.” I said. “So you called me over just to give me a vague warning?”
“Oh no, that was only half the reason. I just wanted to let you know that we’re going to an annual party on the other-side.”
“What…the other-side? What’re you talking about?”
“It’s where I originated from; my home per se. I’m taking you there.”
Holy shit, am I really going to go to where this freak came from? No, I need to keep a steady head. He mentioned some kind of party. If that’s the case, there must be more people like him that might appear there. That could be bad overall. They could have some sort of influence in this city. It opens a whole new world of problems if I get involved with them. “You’re taking me to a party?” I asked. “What for? You think my social skills need work or somethin’?”
He chuckles. “Of course not, in fact your social skills will thrive in an environment like that. Most of my associates will be there also. I know some of the most influential and legendary occupants would love to meet you tonight.”
My eyes bulged out of shock. “Woah…woah…tonight? You mean we’re leaving tonight?!”
“Why yes. I’m sorry it came at last minute but I assure you, you will have fun”
That’s not the fucking point though. I at least need some time to take in all of this first. What about Sebastian? Yeah, I need him here. He’s been through this way longer than me. He might know what to do and how to maneuver through the crowd. “Is Sebastian coming?” I asked.
An ugly pause lingered longer than necessary. “No…he will not.” Why did he say it like that? His voiced churned and became much lower when he responded. “Sadly, Sebastian has left an inexcusable first impression for my associates and he will no longer be attending these gatherings. You are a fresh new face for everyone, and his time under me is nearing its end.”
“…So you don’t think he’s useful to you anymore…?”
“Is he going to die whenever his contract expires?”
“Most likely, yes.”
I can’t believe this shit coming out of this guy’s mouth. I know attacking him in any kind of way now will be all for nothing. Talking to Sebastian has made me realize that in order to go through this shit, is to stay low with your head down long enough, just to come out on the other end alive…but fuck that. I’m not keeping myself down to this guy knowing he’s the reason for the disasters happening around my city. I will find a way to get rid of him.
I slowly stood up. “I need to use the restroom.”
“If you are going in there to talk to Samantha, fret not, she is already at the party right now.”
“You let her out? Your able to let her out?”
“Of course. I did place her in there. She seemed to like you quite a bit and I wouldn’t want to bring you to an event like this with no one else to talk too.” He slowly raised himself up from his chair and towered over me. You slowly forget how tall someone really is if they’re sitting in a chair for so long. The single hanging light in the cabin also cast an overbearing shadow from him over me. That was the moment I realized he was my shadow, and from what I can gather so far, I’m going to need a huge light to fix this problem. “Now,” He echoed. “Let us go. Everyone is waiting for you.”